No, we haven't stopped doing things. Just took a break from putting them on here.We're getting settled into our apartment.We rearranged the house to give it our own taste so it feels more like ours now.
We bought a bike for me!
(Bikes are surprisingly very expensive here!
A reg. one on sale is around $100!)
But - it was worth the investment. Normally to get from our place to the MAIN part of town or bus station, it took about 25min walking. Now, it takes about 5 min. Plus we can explore the city now!

No, we haven't stopped doing things. Just took a break from putting them on here.We're getting settled into our apartment.We rearranged the house to give it our own taste so it feels more like ours now.
We bought a bike for me!
(Bikes are surprisingly very expensive here!
A reg. one on sale is around $100!)
But - it was worth the investment. Normally to get from our place to the MAIN part of town or bus station, it took about 25min walking. Now, it takes about 5 min. Plus we can explore the city now!
Erika started her job last week. So far there hasn't been much to do. The teachers are set up in one huge room with rows and rows of desks. They are teacher size desks but teachers go to classrooms, unlike in America where a teacher has 1 (or 2 or 3) classroom(s) and the kids come to you. So, during the summer, they all just sit in this office room and plan for the year or do things like that. Erika has been working on her Japanese and some plans for the kids.

Japanese (kids and adults), tend to not like to speak English.
They're.. shy.
They are more confident writing in English.
Erika made a little mailbox on her desk so the kids can come and put questions or letters or English related things in there. That way it gives them the opportunity to write\think in English and actually communicate instead of being too shy.
She has also been working on some speech competition work. Some students do speech contests in English. She has worked with a girl and helped her out on that a bit. All in all, even though the classes have not started, shes enjoying her job already!
Well, I've been being a homemaker. I do laundry, dishes, sleep...
the typical things 'stay-at-home' mom's do ;) lol
There's actually quite a bit I've been doing. My online classes start next week so I've got books ordered and being shipped. I just found out I need to take some type of His\Theory exam. I can do it "remotely" but I have to find a college\Univ prof. to proctor the exam. That may not be the easiest thing but I have some wonderful people working on helping me find something!
Some things in Japan seem... more difficult.
They have washing machines but no dryers. I didn't realize how much I loved them until now. :) So, we must hang everything out to dry.
--Washing Dishes--
Most apartments do not have dishwashers. Erika does:ME! .. Get it? Yea - so we have to wash everything by hand. Not HORRIBLE!!! Just never had to wash EVERYTHING by hand before.
Most Japanese do not.. or are not comfortable with speaking English so it makes communicating harder. However, we most people will be able to say a few words in English and if you give an effort, they are happy to also.
Well, thats all for now. As you can see,
things are different but very very good!
We love you all and miss you.
-Erika and Thayne
Well, I've been being a homemaker. I do laundry, dishes, sleep...
the typical things 'stay-at-home' mom's do ;) lol
There's actually quite a bit I've been doing. My online classes start next week so I've got books ordered and being shipped. I just found out I need to take some type of His\Theory exam. I can do it "remotely" but I have to find a college\Univ prof. to proctor the exam. That may not be the easiest thing but I have some wonderful people working on helping me find something!
Some things in Japan seem... more difficult.
They have washing machines but no dryers. I didn't realize how much I loved them until now. :) So, we must hang everything out to dry.
--Washing Dishes--
Most apartments do not have dishwashers. Erika does:ME! .. Get it? Yea - so we have to wash everything by hand. Not HORRIBLE!!! Just never had to wash EVERYTHING by hand before.
Most Japanese do not.. or are not comfortable with speaking English so it makes communicating harder. However, we most people will be able to say a few words in English and if you give an effort, they are happy to also.
Well, thats all for now. As you can see,
things are different but very very good!
We love you all and miss you.
-Erika and Thayne
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